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Wednesday 3 July 2013

Is there anyone out there?

I am writing this mini blog from the bath. That's how awesome I am at multi- tasking.

I am gently poaching myself to a prune like consistency whilst tapping away on my phone. Brilliantly simple though not too relaxing on my shoulder and arm muscles, which, lets face it are the ones that need to chill.

So floating around in my own grime I wondered about you. I wondered if anyone other than my mother and those I pay to read it, (Tweep pocket money well earned and reading practice to boot), actually read it?

I see lots of page views and lots of clicks, but do you enjoy it? Is it interesting?

I jolly well wish you would say "Hi" or pop over to my Facebook page and pump up the likes, pump them up.

So please drop me a nod, or a wink or a like

I would love to know who you are and how you found me or even if you would like to suggest a blog topic.

All by my self, don't wanna be...

Oh, and here I am, so you know what I look like now.



Nic Skitt said...

Me trying a comment

Anonymous said...

Yes me!

Unknown said...

I read it and I love your facebook page, love the knobs, I need to order some :-) keep up the good work x