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Tuesday 2 July 2013

Wanted. Life Saver. Excellent Benefits. Honest.

I'm in a flap.  A panic. An ostrich egg sized omelette of a scramble.  I have too many plans, and thoughts. and stuff running through my soggy bread head.

It is a minced beef life I'm running through.  Everything is all mashed up and squished together and I don't know if I'm a burger, a bolognaise or a shepherds pie!  Notice all the food references?  I am a bulbous, preened eating machine.  IT HAS TO STOP!!
Hmmm, shopping / painting / shopping / painting?

Someone told me that once I started this furniture business full time I would lose 20lbs and be fit as a .......(fill in for your own pleasure).  It hasn't happened.

What has happened is this.  I am so deliriously happy.  So obsessed. So engrossed in the paint and the effects and the next thing I can make, that I forget to go shopping.  Actually forget is not the correct word.  I re-order my priorities and the painting or glueing or cutting out wind up at the top of the ranking.  Food - pah who needs that?  Kids?  What are school dinners for?  Attention?  I am very attentive. To my stock of brown furniture.  My poor, poor Tweeps. My poor, poor waistline.  My long suffering husband.  But worry not.  It all pails into insignificance in the face of a pot of Antionette or Louis Blue or French Linen.  Oh, oh, oh.

The problem is, (note the self obsessed,  I concern myself only with my vittel intake nature of this concern), I now eat crap.  I reach for a packet of crisps, or a chocolate bar, or a cupcake.  All things which under normal circumstances would be low in availability in this house.  Yet this is not all.

My house.  My lovely, pretty, Frenchy cottage has lapsed.  The laundry piles up, the dust motes tumble and tease, the spiders are having a party in my pantry.  It's just not me.  What to do?  Being the genius I am, I have a solution. A brilliant idea, one that is sure to solve all home management woes in one fell swoop.

A Housekeeper.  A 5 days a week, (The Husband can deal with Saturday and Sunday).  It's an easy ask.  8am - 7pm, Monday to Friday, duties to include, but not limited to, all household and child related chores, including cleaning, laundry, shopping, homework, entertainment and all other things that a real adult, (who also happens to be a parent), does on a daily basis. The pay won't be massive, but I will be grateful and nice.  You won't see much of me, though my Tweeps and Husband will feature regularly in your day.  You need only interact with me 3 times a day.  Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

I have taken a spreadsheet and worked out that if I paint furniture and make my other accouterments for 9 hours a day, 6 days a week, 360 days, (I can take the day off for birthdays - organised by the Housekeeper - and Christmas Day), a year.  If I do not interact with the children, do not spend any time being distracted by The Husband, ditch all my friends, (the ones who have not already ditched me), and paint like a demonic gremlin, I could afford it.  I may need a small bank loan too, but that's OK because any profit I make can pay off the interest.  You see. I knew there was a solution.  What a perfectly balanced life that would be.

Oh, I forgot to mention, the housekeeper must also be a top notch chef with the ability to prepare for me perfect and tasty healthy meals and snacks as and when required that enable me to lose weight with no effort whatsoever from me.  Win, win!

If you would like to apply please email me or

So all this time I have recently spent not shopping, or cooking or cleaning I have spent making and *HOLD THE PHONES* selling some pretty special pieces.

As always I will let you take a little peek at some recent work and there are plenty of newbies in my Etsy Shop.  Enjoy, my friends.

Until next time.

M x

Kitchen unit in Antionette
Georgous pink cottage kitchen unit

Entertainment unit with decoupage
Lovely Stag TV Entertainment unit with decoupage

Adding Decor to Furniture
Tweep helper 

Transfer Images on painted Furniture
Close Up of transfer technique over paint

Louis Blue Desk
Little Blue Desk with Iridescent Stripe

Alphabet knobs
Vintage typewriter keys
on knobs using Image transfer

Steampunk Cats using transfer technique
Steampunk Cats using transfer technique 
Steampunk Dogs using transfer technique
Steampunk Dogs using transfer technique

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