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Saturday 6 July 2013

Almost definitely fixed. Oh, and a nice little teacher gift.

As you know I have been feeling a little lonely of late. I thought I had been abandoned. Put out to pasture. Chucked on the compost head of cyber chatter. Banished to the blogger bin of blah blah, blah.

Turns out I was wrong. It actually seems that you lovely people read my randoms. I have been inundated with emails: "YOUR BLOG IS BALLY WELL BROKEN". Thank you.

Being the Wifeling of a top notch Web Developer you might think it safe to assume I test my technology. Regularly.

That I am adept at the finer strategy of, ahem, web strategy. Apparently not.

I am very good at painting things though. Truly.

I am sorry. I am almost certain that my bloggywoggydodah is now actually allowing comments. Give it a try. Please. Or drop me an email to telling me that I am a little fibber and the bally thing is jolly well not working. Did I say please?

Now the real business in hand. What I have been doing? Whilst NOT throwing my laptop out of the window I have been painting chairs. Lots and lots and lots of chairs. The car bootie also threw up this lovely little gem of a double tray last week. A bit of Duck Egg and Original along with a spruce up via blackboard paint and voila.

A very nice and useful thing. I can't name it, though I am sure there is some long forgotten little whatnot of a name out there.

Great for cake, (of course), cheese, plants, anything and you can write the name on chalk. Super duper.

Here you can see I have delicately displayed an array of amusingly shaped cacti. These will shortly be winging their way to school as end of year teacher gifts.

I am fairly certain that there is a landfill somewhere dedicated to very pretty, but entirely useless teacher gifts. I normally think a bottle of wine and a big sigh of relief (the latter from the teacher),is appropriate. This year I am in 'Craft Zone', apologies to teachers of The Tweeps.

Here is how it goes.

Mini Cacti: can be left in school all summer and won't die.
Mini Teracotta Pots: for said Cacti.
Blackboard Paint. Paint around the pots, all over or leave the rim paint free.
Brush. To paint on the paint.
Chalk. To write a lovely, yet personal message, such as "Thank you for helpings grow".
A label. In case your small persons writing is a little shaky. Simple. Straightforward. Hopefully not for landfill as the message can be erased as and when.

You could always use bigger pots and different plants, but remember they need care and attention and teacher has been lavishing both on your child all year. Do you really want to ask for more?

On that note I shall wish you a fabulous day and hope to see your comments on the blog!

M x


Unknown said...

Your comments box is working x

Unknown said...

Your comments box is working, love Alison