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Monday 11 March 2013

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the day I get to move into the studio showroom.  How exciting!

I get to display all my stock in a way that doesn't involve dust cloths and won't require major removals to get to whichever item I have just sold, which is inevitably right at the back of the stable!  I just hope it is not as cold tomorrow as it has been today.  Snow, wind, rain, more snow and about 6 mini-blizzards.  Cold I can handle.  Cold and wind and all I want is a hot bath and a mug of soup.

It's been a funny old day - never mind that number 1 Tweep has been home from school with a sickness bug.  Thank's go out to my wonderful Mother-in-law, without whom I would not have managed as I was delivering a training session this morning, (that's the 'other' job - the one that pays the bills).

So, enough about me, lets talk about me.  My main concern, at this exact moment, is, should I display a sign out front?  I mean - I will have a sign, but, added to it should I have an Open / Closed notice? Should I say 'By Appointment' or just 'Open' or a 'Please Knock - If I'm In I'm Open'?  I personally like the last one - but your comments would be appreciated.  Requested?  Please help me?  I have no idea what to do!

Bear in mind there will sporadic hours - I am sometimes here, sometimes not.  I live in a small village and it's not like we will get loads of 'passing trade' so to speak.  So I just need to make clear that it's worth knocking on the door. Take a look at my frontage (how very Carry On).  This was last year and in 3 or 4 weeks the tree will be in bloom again:

magnolia in bloom
Woodbine Magnolia 2012

I'm thinking the sign will hang over the hedge.  But how to communicate that I might or might not be open?

Open Forum below.  I need your help.

That is all for now.

M x
beautiful magnolia in bloom
Woodbine Magnolia 2012

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move today; I guess the weather isn't quite so bad as yesterday.
