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Sunday 20 January 2013

Do you like it?

I had a mini-disaster on Friday with my blog.  Being in a hurry whilst adding widgets and playing with the layout I forgot to 'Save' and 'Download a Copy' of my blog BEFORE I started messing around.  Next thing I know it's 3pm and I need to go and collect the Tweeps from School.  No problem thinks I.  I hit save and then realised.  Oops.

New Look for the blog it is then!  A bit like when I paint something and decide later it needs a change.  I know I'm practically perfect in every way, but even we perfect people are allowed to change our minds once in a while.

A bit like changing this sideboard from Black, (it was one of my very first pieces and I only had one time of paint!!), to Country Grey was a great idea!  It sold instantly when I re-painted it.
Black Sideboard with Butterflys
Good, but no cigar!

Much better in gorgeous Country Grey
So whats the verdict?  Do you like my 'Accidental New Look' Blog or should I have stuck with the old one and actually deferred to the expert in the room? (Did I mention The husband is a Web Developer Extraordinaire?)

Let me have your comments please!!

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