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Tuesday 29 January 2013


It's been a busy old week here at Chateau Debell.  On Thursday and Friday I finally go around to some painting.  It was love at first sight for me with this pine blanket box once I finished her in Old Violet and Paloma from Annie Sloan.  Paloma is my most favorite colour right now.

Paloma Blanket Box
Part Painted with Paloma from Annie Sloan

Old Violet French Blanket Box
And in her full glory - Old Violet with Paloma

Whilst I had the paint out I moved on to a mirror and the Sideboard I have been desperate to paint for weeks - sneaky peek as she is not quite finished yet.

Ornate Mirrir
Mirror and sconses in Paloma
paloma sideboard
Sneak Peek after one coat

After all that I got my paints out again last night to have a play with some Stag Head Silhouettes.  This is something I have had in mind for a while and this was my first effort - not brilliant but not bad either.  The plan is to paint these on to some chests of drawers and onto rough wood so they can be distressed.  Any feedback appreciated - this painting malarky is something I haven't really done since I was 18 (and I'm quite a bit older than that now).

Stag Head Silhouette
Card with Rub'n'buff painted with Old Violet

So now I have to ask a very important question.  The Husband has many quirks. Some lovable  some not so much.  But my question is this.

Why can he never ever find things.  I say, 'It's in the drawer', he goes, look, shuts the drawer, opens it and looks again and announces 'No, It's not there'.  I go, open the drawer and said item is sitting in plain view.

Take Sunday morning.  Husband, 'I've lost my iPhone', me, 'Have you checked your pockets?', him, 'Yes, twice'.  

So we send out word  - we have half the village checking paths and bins.  Then I look in his pocket.  Actually I didn't even look, I just felt said pocket as I passed the trousers hanging on their hanger.  yes.  One iPhone found.

My very good friend Leonie, of Leonie Brown Garden Design has the measure of him.  'He needs to put his girl eyes in'.

I couldn't agree more!

M xx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely a man thing, that. I am hoping my sons won't suffer from it as they get older, but I think it's sadly in the genes.

I love a stag head silhouette! Recently pinned one on Pinterest, white on reclaimed wood/pallet - it looked amazing.