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Wednesday 12 December 2012

It's a Pink Door!!

One thing I love about Chalk Paint is that it seems there is no surface on which it cannot be used.  Fabric, leather, wood, glass, marble, plaster, plastic - you name it.  So when the storms we had a couple of weeks ago took out the cat flap I had a feeling Annie Sloan was going to be tested.

ASCP Antoinette
Look what happened!
Now we don't have a cat, and the cat flap was in situ when we moved in 5 years ago.  Getting rid if it is one of those jobs that has been 'on the list' since day one.

Since it's freezing here, and I have no wood with which to board the hole I took a logical step.  I stuck the thing down with double sided tape, then gaffer taped it shut.  Draft gone.  Big ugly mess.  Hmmm.

This being a very busy household, I figure it is unlikely the cat-flap will be mended in the near future... obviously I have never tried ASCP of gaffer tape before...but there is always room for experiments in this house!

ASCP on gaffer Tape
ASCP - Great on Gaffer Tape!
I just happened to have a pot of Antoinette to hand.  So the panels got a coat and now I need to paint the rest.  I feel Old White would be a nice touch.  Very Seaside.

M x

P.S. Please excuse the 'yet to be painted' white!  This was, an accidental door painting exercise!

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