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Thursday 11 April 2013

Too Cool for School? Let's paint.

It's been a fruitful week her at Chateau Debell.  Fruitful, in that I have been producing.  I have been growing, nurturing and creating massive amounts of..excess body weight.  Yes I have eaten my way through the Easter Holidays, sloshed my way through many, many, many G&T's and now need to take stock, (well lets not be hasty - kids don't go back to school until Monday so I do need to have a last blast weekend).  Seriously though this has to stop.  I'm getting off the 7/0 diet and back on the 5/2 diet.

Anyone got any tips?  I ought to ask my dad who since Christmas has lost an amazing 2 Stone (that's 28lbs) on the 5/2.  Plus kids back to school + better weather = Ms Debell Painiting outside in the sunshine and getting all toned and healthy in time for the countdown to adulthood.

September looms like an anvil over Wyle E Cyote.  I officially enter middle age, (assuming I live to 80), but I have a while to remain young and cool, (was I ever cool?  If I knew I was cool would that make me uncool? If I want to be cool does that mean I can never be cool?).  Forget cool.  I want to be elegant and radiant.  Think of me as a retired ballerina, full of poise and grace.  Who am I kidding?  Just please never call on me when I am shifting furniture, wearing Rigger Boots and my Boiler suit. I would hate to spoil the illusion.

So what have I been doing?  Well I have now officially got plenty of my furniture and pictures installed in London Road Living, Newark the latest items I sent were these georgous Farmhouse Chairs and Table.  The Legs are painted in Autentico Nearly Black and the 'Go Faster Stripe', (I was actually going for French Grain Sack but the colour was so nice I couldn't bear to sand it down), is a custom blend of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Emperors Silk and Original.
Autentico and Annie Sloan on Farmhouse Dining Set
Farmhouse Dining Set
I have a load of pieces I want to paint over the next few weeks, including a georgous China Display Cabinet that would make an amazing bathroom Linen Store or Shoe Wardrobe, a lovely bookcase and a massive Welsh Dresser.

I can see the China Cabinet looking like this one I found on Pinterest once its finished (or even started).

China Cabinet as Shoe Display
Shoe Cabinet Displat

The April Furniture Painting for Beginners Course is now fully booked but I am happy to take reserves and registers of interest for the next one - date to be announced.

Have a great day one and all.  

M x

P.S. Come and see me on Facebook.

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