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Monday 11 February 2013

Ooh, la la! I have been nominated for an award. Get me!

Liebster Blog Award
Bonjour Mesdames et Messieurs.  Je suis fier d'annoncer que j'ai été nominé pour un prix.

OK, enough of the fancypants lingo, but I have indeed been nominated for a Liebster Award.

I have done a little research, more commonly referred to as 'I Googled it' and apparently the Liebster Award is granted to up and coming bloggers with fewer than 200 followers who deserve some recognition and support to keep on blogging.   Is that me? Do I deserve some recognition?  Oh, go on then!

So first of all I must say a big 'Thank You' to Antonia of Tidy Away Today whom is the kind nominatrix, (is that even a word?  It should be).  Super kind and I am very touched by your thinking of me.

Secondly I need to add this to my page (to the right, pretty heart picture?):

Look it's an actual 'Award' type thing...shall I add another one just because I can?  OK then.  A badge.
It's pink you know.  With a love heart.

TeeHee.  I've gone award mad!  Now to be eligible for this award I have to answer 11 questions as set by Antonia.  So bear with callers - it's going to get personal.  It may or may not be interesting, but if I want to claim my award I must do it.  So here goes:

1.  Can you ride a bike?
Yes, but I once went up a curb and knocked out my 2 front teeth with the handlebars.  Luckily they were baby teeth.  There was a lot of blood, but I got ice cream.

2.  What was the first concert you ever went to?  Delamitri at Leeds Poly when I was 18 and a sixth former in Harrogate.  I thought pretending to be a student was the height of sophistication. 

3.  What is your favourite fruit? Pineapple.  At one stage I ate one almost daily until the dentist mentioned my teeth were turning onto PlayDoh.

4. Favourite rainy day activity?  Jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Obviously.

Bathers at Asnières, 1884, National Gallery, London
Bathers at Asnières, 1884
5.  Person you would most like to be for one day?  Georges Pierre Seurat,  French Post-Impressionist painter.  I would like to see the world through the eyes of the man said to have devised the technique of pointillism.  Innovative and ahead of his time but a lover of colour and form.  

6.  If you ever had the chance to travel to the moon, would you?  No.  I would let my son take my place as long as he wrote 'Hello Mum' on the surface of the moon.

7.  Have you ever broken a bone?  If we are getting technical - no.  If we are using everyday parlance, yes.  I broke my nose on the dry ski slope when I was 13 when someone turned around with their ski's on their shoulder.  Sadly my nose was in the way.  It was comedy gold.  Well it might have earned £200 on You've Been Framed had anyone recorded it.

8.  Can you sing?  Like a drain.

9.  Nicest beach you have ever been to?  Beadnell Beach in Northumberland simply because we spent many a summer there in the caravan when I was a child.  We liked to sledge down the dunes.

10.  Tea or coffee?  Coffee if I'm making it Tea if someone else is making it.  I'm essentially lazy.

11.  Have you ever been on TV?  Once.  I was 7 and dressed as a pea-pod full of peas.  I had to say the word 'pop'.  

How did I do?  Still reading?  You darn well better be since I now apparently need to avail you of 11 random facts about myself.  So read on dear readers and do not dismiss my inner ramblings for I am pouring my heart out here.

1.   I LOVE Cowboy Films.  Full on Westerns.  Yup.  And I'm not afraid to admit it.
2.  The first horror film I saw was American Werewolf in London. Scared? Yup.
3.  My husband is much younger than me.  Everyone assumes he is older, (Boots moisturiser I salute you).
4.  I really, really, really want a Metal Detector.  I bought one for my son when he was 5.  I liked it a lot.
5.  I asked for a nail gun for Christmas and was delighted that Santa deemed that a good present.
6.  I am dangerous in a clothes shop.  That is why I live in a small village with no clothes shops.
7.  I have shoes I have owned since I was 16 that I still wear.  They look brand new.
8. When I was a teenager I had 2 pairs of Wallaby shoes.  Blue & Purple.  I wore one of each colour. 
9.  I have a law degree.  Really.
10. I have a big birthday this year.  
11.  I hate blue cheese.

Now, according to the rules I am supposed to nominate 11 blogs that are in a similar place to me when it comes to readers and encouragement - here lies my problem.  I like to follow a few blogs, but most of them are pertty big, so forgive me but I'm going to only name 3.  Oh, and then I'm going to set 11 questions for them.

I apologise if these bloggers have loads of readers and are way ahead of the game, but I'm new to blog-land and it's not always easy to tell how many followers someone has.  So, in no particular order, like to nominate: Courtney says ' I created A Diamond in the Stuff to share my creative ideas and gain some inspiration along the way'.  Just lots of lovely houses.  They say 'This blog space of ours is sort of like a DIY Diary along with a healthy amount of Real Life thrown in.'

Now each of these bloggers need to reply to the following 11 questions / statements.  If they want to.  Here goes nothing.

1.  Home or holiday?
2.  Ketchup or Brown Sauce?
3.  Most embarrassing moment?
4.  Favorite decade & why?
5.  Best moment today?
6.  Most interesting person you have ever met and why?
7.  Snow or Sun?
8.  Biggest DIY disaster?
9.  Fantasy meal?
10.  School - Swot or Dunce?
11.  Favorite web site?

So thats that.  Back to my paint now.  Afterall, you may now realise that I like to watch paint dry.

Ta ta.

M x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha, nominatrix - love that! You're right, if its not in the dictionary, it should be. So glad you accepted your well deserved award - fantastic answers and facts, by the way (I am dangerous in a clothes shop - hee hee). Some excellent questions for your nominees, too. I hope they will take part, it is fun and nice to get to know fellow bloggers a bit better :-) xx