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Thursday 6 December 2012

Brrrrrrr. Furniture Painting in sub-zero temperatures.

The UK is more than a little chilly this week.  Indeed the thermometer says -4 right now.  No snow yet, but later perhaps we will see some of the white stuff.

Yesterday I was a little, shall we say, delicate.  The Newark Business Awards were amazing, but it was a late night.  So, best cure for one feeling a little delicate of constitution?  Go outside, (-3), open up the stable, (no heating), pull out a lovely oval extending dining table that has been mocking me for weeks.

Trussed up like a Christmas Turkey (it's not a good look), I pull on my finger-less gloves and pray the paint wont freeze before it hits the table!  First a cup of coffee.  And then back to it.  Quick check of the thermometer - its 0 Degrees!  Now that's more like it.  Positively warm and ready to paint.

Here's how it went...

Before and after painted oval tavle
I've yet to venture out this morning to see how she looks today but i'm hopeful!  The second picture shows the paint still wet, but I was lucky ans the sun put in an appearance and dried her off in no time.

Today I'm going to leave her to cure a little before I get a wax attack.

I'm toying with adding some decor or french script to the extension leaf.

The colour is French Linen, though it looks very light in the picture.  I'll keep you updated on what I decide to do.

Tomorrow I'm off on a buying trip to the Largest Antiques Fair in Europe at Newark Showground.

Roaring Open Fire with Shabby Chic Painted table

Be still my beating heart!  I find it very exciting seeing items that are rough, broken or just plain ugly, and knowing I can give them a new lease of life and turn them into something someone will love.

For now I'm looking forward to tonights roaring fire and a snuggle under a nice blanket!

Until next time.

Marie x


Stephanie said...

I just painted a table in zero degrees F and it sucked! Brave lady. I had a little space heater that didn't help enough. I live in Idaho in the states.

Unknown said...

Hi Stephanie - It's hell on the hands - particularly the one NOT holding the paintbrush. We are at -4c here today which is a heck of a lot warmer than you I guess. Still I've moved indoors for now. I bet Idaho is beautiful this time of year. I've never been to that part of the States. Keep painting. M x